SpringBoot的controller为什么不能并行执行?同一个浏览器连续多次访问同一个url竟然是串行的?- 第329篇



       如代码所示,在controller的sleep方法中,使用了 Thread.sleep,然后用chrome打开两个页签模拟并行访问,发现这两次请求是串行执行的。第二次请求需要等待第一次请求执行完毕才可以:

  1. package com.kfit.controller;
  2. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
  3. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
  4. @RestController
  5. public class AsyncController {
  6. @RequestMapping("async")
  7. public String sleep() throws InterruptedException {
  8. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  9. System.out.println("[before]name is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " time is " + startTime);
  10. Thread.sleep(10000);
  11. long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  12. System.out.println("[after]name is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " time is " + endTime + " cos " + (endTime-startTime));
  13. return Thread.currentThread().getName();
  14. }
  15. }


[before]name is http-nio-8080-exec-2 time is 1602751326997

[after]name is http-nio-8080-exec-2 time is 1602751337000 cos10003

[before]name is http-nio-8080-exec-3 time is 1602751337004

[after]name is http-nio-8080-exec-3 time is 1602751347008 cos10004







1.1 环境说明

(1)OS:mac os。

(2)Spring Boot : 2.3.4.RELEASE

(3)idea:Intellj Idea

(4)Chrome浏览器:86.0.4240.75(正式版本) (x86_64)

(5)Safari浏览器:11.1.2 (13605.3.8)

(6)Firefox浏览器:72.0.2 (64 位)


1.2 测试代码


  1. package com.kfit.controller;
  2. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
  3. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
  4. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
  5. /**
  6. * 测试:SpringBoot的controller中使用Thread.sleep,为什么不能并行执行?
  7. *
  8. * @author 悟纤「公众号SpringBoot」
  9. * @date 2020-10-16
  10. * @slogan 大道至简 悟在天成
  11. */
  12. @RestController //等价于:@Controller+@ResponseBody
  13. public class AsyncController {
  14. @RequestMapping("async")
  15. public String async() throws InterruptedException {
  16. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  17. System.out.println("async->[before]name is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " time is " + startTime);
  18. Thread.sleep(10000);
  19. long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  20. System.out.println("async->[after]name is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " time is " + endTime + " cos " + (endTime-startTime));
  21. return Thread.currentThread().getName();
  22. }
  23. @RequestMapping("async1")
  24. public String async1() throws InterruptedException {
  25. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  26. System.out.println("async1->[before]name is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " time is " + startTime);
  27. Thread.sleep(10000);
  28. long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  29. System.out.println("async1->[after]name is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " time is " + endTime + " cos " + (endTime-startTime));
  30. return Thread.currentThread().getName();
  31. }
  32. }


2.1 Chrome:同一个浏览器连续多次访问同一个url







async->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-5 time is 1602831935687

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-5 time is 1602831945692 cos 10005

async->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-6 time is 1602831945696

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-6 time is 1602831955701 cos 10005





2.2 Chrome:同一个浏览器连续多次访问不同url







async->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-9 time is 1602832814903

async1->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-10 time is 1602832816942

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-9 time is 1602832824908 cos 10005

async1->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-10 time is 1602832826946 cos 10004



2.3 Chrome:同一个浏览器连续多次访问同一个url,参数不一样






async->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-3 time is 1602833002334

async->[before]name is http-nio-8080-exec-4time is 1602833004117

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-3 time is 1602833012338 cos 10004

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-4 time is 1602833014121 cos 10004




2.4 Firefox和Safari:同一个浏览器连续多次访问同一个url






async->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-7 time is 1602833282532

async->[before]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-8 time is 1602833283983

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-7 time is 1602833292535 cos 10003

async->[after]name ishttp-nio-8080-exec-8 time is 1602833293987 cos 10004






       为此为了验证这个上面这段话,我们可以找到这么一篇文章:Http cache:Implement a timeout for the cache lock.



Http cache: Implement a timeout for thecache lock. The cache has a single writer / multiple reader lock to avoiddownloading the same resource n times. However, it is possible to block manytabs on the same resource, for instance behind an auth dialog. This CLimplements a 20 seconds timeout so that the scenario described in the bugresults in multiple authentication dialogs (one per blocked tab) so the usercan know what to do. It will also help with other cases when the single writerblocks for a long time. The timeout is somewhat arbitrary but it should allowmedium size resources to be downloaded before starting another request for thesame item. The general solution of detecting progress and allow readers tostart before the writer finishes should be implemented on another CL.





  1. void HttpCache::Transaction::AddCacheLockTimeoutHandler(ActiveEntry* entry) {
  4. if ((bypass_lock_for_test_ && next_state_ == STATE_ADD_TO_ENTRY_COMPLETE) ||
  5. (bypass_lock_after_headers_for_test_ &&
  6. next_state_ == STATE_FINISH_HEADERS_COMPLETE)) {
  7. base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
  9. base::BindOnce(&HttpCache::Transaction::OnCacheLockTimeout,
  10. weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), entry_lock_waiting_since_));
  11. } else {
  12. int timeout_milliseconds = 20 * 1000;
  13. if (partial_ && entry->writers && !entry->writers->IsEmpty() &&
  14. entry->writers->IsExclusive()) {
  15. // Even though entry_->writers takes care of allowing multiple writers to
  16. // simultaneously govern reading from the network and writing to the cache
  17. // for full requests, partial requests are still blocked by the
  18. // reader/writer lock.
  19. // Bypassing the cache after 25 ms of waiting for the cache lock
  20. // eliminates a long running issue, http://crbug.com/31014, where
  21. // two of the same media resources could not be played back simultaneously
  22. // due to one locking the cache entry until the entire video was
  23. // downloaded.
  24. // Bypassing the cache is not ideal, as we are now ignoring the cache
  25. // entirely for all range requests to a resource beyond the first. This
  26. // is however a much more succinct solution than the alternatives, which
  27. // would require somewhat significant changes to the http caching logic.
  28. //
  29. // Allow some timeout slack for the entry addition to complete in case
  30. // the writer lock is imminently released; we want to avoid skipping
  31. // the cache if at all possible. See http://crbug.com/408765
  32. timeout_milliseconds = 25;
  33. }
  34. base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask(
  35. FROM_HERE,
  36. base::BindOnce(&HttpCache::Transaction::OnCacheLockTimeout,
  37. weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), entry_lock_waiting_since_),
  38. TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(timeout_milliseconds));
  39. }
  40. }
