
马克- to-win:马克 java社区:防盗版实名手机尾号: 73203。

例 4.1(form.submitIEFF.html)

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script language=javascript>
        function check()
            var form = document.getElementById("regForm");
            if (form.user.value == "")
    <form method=post id="regForm" action="jsp1.jsp">
        用户<input type="text" name="user"/><br>
        <INPUT TYPE="button" onclick="check();" id="regBut" value="提交"/>


例 4.1_a

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script language=javascript>
        function check()
            var form = document.getElementById("regForm");
            if (form.user.value == "")
    <form method=post id="regForm" action="jsp1.jsp">
        用户<input type="text" name="user" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode==13) return false;"/><br>
        <INPUT TYPE="button" onclick="check();" id="regBut" value="提交"/>


例 4.2(onSubmitReturnIEFF.html)

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script language=javascript>
        function check(form)
            /*onSubmit (Event handler)
             The user has clicked on the submit button in a form.
             Property/method value type:    Boolean primitive
             JavaScript syntax:    -    myObject.onsubmit = aHandler
             HTML syntax:    <FORM onSubmit="..."> <HTMLTag onSubmit="...">
             As the <FORM> submit button is clicked, this event is triggered.If you return the value true, the event will be passed to the browser for further processing and the form will be submitted.
             Returning false inhibits this action and discards the message;
             the form will not be submitted. This provides a means of
             inhibiting <FORM> submits when the form data is bad.
            if (form.user.value == "")
                return false;
            return true;

    <!-- As of version 1.1 of JavaScript, if the handler returns the Boolean false value then the browser will not follow the link to its HREF. If a true value is returned then it will.
    <a href="" onClick="return false;">百度不跳转</a>
    Window.confirm() (Method)
    Present a confirmation dialog box.

    Property/method value type: Boolean primitive
    JavaScript syntax: - myResult = confirm(aString)
    - myResult = myWindow.confirm(aString)
    Argument list: aString Some text to explain what is to be confirmed

    <a href="" onClick="return confirm('是否转向?');">百度</a>
    <form method=post onSubmit="return check(this);"  action="jsp1.jsp">
        用户名:<input type="text" name="user"/><br>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="提交"/>

例 4.3(onSubmitReturn1IEFF.html)

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script language=javascript>
        function check(event)
           var event = event||window.event;
/*火狐用,ie用event.srcElement,注意是表单的提交方法,target.onsubmit= check;,所以event.target是表单。*/
           var form =event.srcElement||;

            if (form.user.value == "")
                return false;
           return true;
    <form method=post id="register" name="register" action="jsp1.jsp">
        用户名:<input type="text" name="user"/><br>
        <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="提交"/>
    var target = document.getElementById("register");
    target.onsubmit = check;