
例 2.2(CreateTRTD3IEFF.html)
马克- to-win:马克 java社区:防盗版实名手机尾号: 73203。

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

<BODY id="body">
    /*Node.appendChild() (Method)
     A new child node object is added to the end of the list of immediate children of this node. 马克-to-win: note: immediate is very important, table and tr is not immidiate,so table can not appendChild tr, while, table can append tbobdy, then tbody append tr. if you really want to connect table and tr, you must use insertRow like in this example.

     Document.createElement() (Method)
     A method to create a new element within a document.
     Property/method value type: Element object
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    /*TABLE.border (Property)
     The width of the border around cells in a table.
    for (var i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++)
         TABLE.insertRow() (Method)
         Insert a new row into the table at a specified row index.
         Property/method value type: TR object
         JavaScript syntax: - myTABLE.insertRow(anIndex)
         Argument list: anIndex The row at which to insert a new row
         马克-to-win:note that Table has this method of "insertRow" which directly insert a row into a table without passing through tbody.
        var tr = table.insertRow(i);
        for (var j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
            /*TR.insertCell() (Method)
             You can insert an additional cell into the row within a table with this method.
             returned Property/method value type: TD object
            var td = tr.insertCell(j);
            td.innerHTML = "车位" + i + j;

     Node.appendChild() (Method)
     A new child node object is added to the end of the list of immediate children of this node.

     Property/method value type: Node object
     JavaScript syntax: - myNode.appendChild(aNode)
     Argument list: aNode The node to be appended
